All Eyes on Rafah

The following article is a transcript of a speech given by Geelong Anarchist Communists member Tommy Lawson at an Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) ‘Rally for Rafah’ held on Saturday 11th of May. Its content is supported unanimously by Geelong Anarchist Communists. We have decided to publish it today, on the 76th anniversary ofContinue reading “All Eyes on Rafah”

A15 Action Geelong

Today protestors across the globe coordinated a series of economic blockades and protests as part of the A15 Action in solidarity with Palestine. Free Palestine Geelong targeted Deakin University over it’s ties to weapons research and development being used in Israel’s war against Palestine. The following text is a transcript of the speech delivered byContinue reading “A15 Action Geelong”

International Working Women’s Day 2024

Militancy is not masculine, fragility is not feminine Despite the theme of International (Working) Women’s Day 2024 being “Invest in Women”, the socialist origins of International Working Women’s Day must not be forgotten. In Australia, IWWD was commemorated for the first time in 1928 with a rally in Sydney, organised by the The Militant Women’sContinue reading “International Working Women’s Day 2024”

Invasion Day and Decolonisation

I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating or limiting my freedom, is, on the contrary, its necessary premise and confirmation. – Mikhail Bakunin In the face of overwhelming violence and the power of empires, indigenous people and cultures acrossContinue reading “Invasion Day and Decolonisation”

Socialism Sundays!

In 2024 Geelong Anarchist-Communists will continue to host a monthly discussion group on socialist texts on the last Sunday of every month. We are going through a series of introductory texts with topics such as capitalism, the state, unions, imperialism, feminism, racism, strategy and organisation.  We read through the texts together on the day soContinue reading “Socialism Sundays!”

Geelong and Genocide – Part 1: Marand Engineering

Geelong is a long way from Gaza, and yet the world is a small place. As it turns out, our small regional Australian city has direct links to the genocide in Palestine. Geelong Anarchist Communists have been researching companies that benefit from the oppression of Palestinians, and will release reports as they are compiled. TheContinue reading “Geelong and Genocide – Part 1: Marand Engineering”

Workers’ Power Against Genocide – Fighting for a Free Palestine

The following text is a leaflet Geelong Anarchist-Communists distributed at a Free Palestine Geelong rally on November 4th. GAC are participants in FPG and encourage locals to get involved and support the campaign. Today the people of Palestine are like a modern day David, fighting against the Goliath of the Israeli Defence Forces, backed byContinue reading “Workers’ Power Against Genocide – Fighting for a Free Palestine”

Statement on Palestine

The following statement was written by our comrades from Melbourne Anarchist-Communist Group. Geelong Anarchist Communists endorse their position and express our own solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people against apartheid and colonialism. As anarchists in Australia a nation that actively supports the Israeli colonisation of Palestinian lands, we believe it is our dutyContinue reading “Statement on Palestine”

Lara Big Incinerator – A Waste of Energy!

The following is the transcript of a speech given by Geelong Anarchist-Communists member Levi H at a rally against the proposed Prospect Hill Incinerator in Lara, Victoria. Header photo used with permission from Matt Hrakc.