International Working Women’s Day 2024

Militancy is not masculine, fragility is not feminine Despite the theme of International (Working) Women’s Day 2024 being “Invest in Women”, the socialist origins of International Working Women’s Day must not be forgotten. In Australia, IWWD was commemorated for the first time in 1928 with a rally in Sydney, organised by the The Militant Women’sContinue reading “International Working Women’s Day 2024”

Israel and the Pinkwashing of Genocide

As critics of genocide and Zionism, we are often told that settlement of Palestine offers a liberal utopia of pro-gay progressivism. Israel, the supposed sanctuary of Judaism, is in short the only alleged place for women and the LGBTQI+ community to be safe from Islam in the Middle East. These claims erupt most clearly inContinue reading “Israel and the Pinkwashing of Genocide”