Geelong and Genocide – Part 1: Marand Engineering

Geelong is a long way from Gaza, and yet the world is a small place. As it turns out, our small regional Australian city has direct links to the genocide in Palestine. Geelong Anarchist Communists have been researching companies that benefit from the oppression of Palestinians, and will release reports as they are compiled. TheContinue reading “Geelong and Genocide – Part 1: Marand Engineering”

Marand, Rheinmetall and Viva – the continued expansion of the defence industry in Geelong

In May we released an article documenting the developing links between Geelong City Council, local business and the Australian Defence Force (ADF) in the form of the Geelong Defence Alliance (GDA). There have been rapid developments in the subsequent months, as investment into military manufacturing in Geelong rolls on. The engineering and manufacturing companies MarandContinue reading “Marand, Rheinmetall and Viva – the continued expansion of the defence industry in Geelong”